Houses For Bushfire Prone Sites
There is something truly mystical and remarkable about living in the bush. The smell of the eucalypts and the shape and colour of the native canopy that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world. The native wildlife that are abundant in these locations. The textures. The space. It’s peaceful. It’s beautiful. However the increased frequency and the intensity of bushfires over the past 30 or so years have resulted in amendments to how we plan and build our homes in these regions.
Not only does Peter Downes work alongside you to develop some of the most picturesque and immaculate beach front homes, Peter also is highly knowledgeable in building and designing houses for bushfire prone sites. This is something that sets him apart from competition, as he has gone above and beyond to ensure that his designs are as bushfire proof as possible.
Every new home built or renovated in a bushfire prone area must undergo a BAL assessment as part of the application for a building permit. The site BAL assessment determines the construction methods that must be used to better protect properties from the threat of bushfires. Peter comprehends this, and will work with you to establish the home of your dreams in the location you want it! Design has come a long way with new materials and methodologies, however, Peter has additional knowledge that will ensure that your home can pass all assessments and look amazing!
When you hear the phrase “Houses for bushfire prone sites” your mind should pinpoint to myself, Peter Downes. With an array of impeccable homes and a wide-spread portfolio, I am your number one solution when it comes to building your dream estate in the bush, safely! For additional information feel free to contact me today and have a confidential conversation about your plans and bush home design ideas.
Welcome to my website. I specialise in difficult sites with spectacular views, anywhere in Australia.
Inspired by a life – long love affair with the Australian landscape, and a passion for architecture, I design people’s dream homes.
With decades of experience in architecture and engineering, no site presents too much of a challenge, so let me create an innovative masterpiece for you & your loved ones.
I am a winner of 57 AWARDS, and I would love to win another one with your project. Ready to go? Let’s Get Started!
Every site is different, and so are its’ owners, so every project on my website is unique.
NEVER live
in a boring house
0488 662 445